Video streaming service to connect real estate agents with multiple clients in real-time

UX/UI Design
Web Developement
Product Consulting
Mobile Development



6 months


New York, USA


We built a service for remote apartment rental in New York. The project consist of desktop application for people looking for apartments, and mobile application for real estate agents that list properties.

The users can check available properties via the interactive map, inspect the desired property using live streaming service and ask the real estate agent questions via live chat.


3 types of users: users, real estate agents and admin (product owner).
Interactive map with marked pins. Each pin is a streaming session arranged by an agent.
Searchtool through the database of available apartment by chosen criteria.
Livestreaming with live chat built to showcase the apartment.


Since we were creating a new project, we designed and developed everything from scratch. Starting with the discussion workshop with the client, we came up with design concepts and wireframes to introduce navigation logic and test our hypotheses about users.

Once all parties were on the same page, our development team jumped in following the project roadmap and timetable. To built the product, our developers used jQuery on the front-end and PHP on the back-end.



Six months after the first workshop was held, the MVP was ready.

Real estate agents could create a profile through a mobile app entering details about their available properties. Through the admin panel, they could schedule a live streaming video session to showcase the apartment. In real-time, users could ask the real estate agent different questions in separate life chats and leave feedback after the sessions.

Users had an interactive map available with available properties for rent and the ones where the live streaming session was happening at the moment. Through a simple and user-friendly search tool, users could filter apartments by a selection of criteria and book themselves into a live streaming session.

Using the platform, the users and agents streamline the process of apartment rental and reduce their risk of fraud and time loss.

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inCode Ltd.
London, United Kingdom
Palliser House Second Floor,
Palliser Road, London, England, W14 9EB
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